Pool Landscape Designs: Pictures of San Antonio Backyards
Swimming Pool Design
Dreaming up the best backyard for you and your family can take a bit of work, but with a little of inspiration from these pool landscape designs pictures, you’ll be able to begin to put together your own little piece of paradise:
Easy Entertaining
All too many times the pool is located far away from the hub of conversation and activity. What we love about this backyard is how they situated their outdoor dining area, cooking area, and even bar right alongside the pool, making it easy for everyone to chat and enjoy one another’s company.

Free Flowing Streams
What’s really trending in backyard pool landscaping these days are multi-level pools. In this picture we can see that the dining and main pool are at one level, with a cascading waterfall tumbling into a spa, with a then even larger waterfall pouring into a lovely stream which carries on throughout the backyard. This when coupled with that rocky grotto look really gives the pool a natural appeal.

Touch of the Tropics
We’ve heard from so many clients that one of the reasons why they never considered a pool was because their backyard living space was too small. Well, even a tiny little corner can be given a touch of the tropics with a tiny little oasis. This and several other pool landscape designs pictures showcase how even a smaller pool and spa can be incorporated into anyone’s backyard. Though not as large as a traditional lap pool, it still incorporates a number of great features, such as a tanning ledge, a waterfall, and rock features.

A Hillside Oasis
What we love about this backyard pool landscaping is how a beautiful deep blue pool coupled with scuppers and a majestic fountain has seamlessly been incorporated into the hillside of this steep backyard. The garden alongside the pool nicely compliments the shape and features of the pool as well.

Texas Pools and Patios